The 2022 French Legislative Elections – important information

The 2022 French parliamentary elections will take place soon. Here is some important information to prepare for the legislative election:

1. Check that you are registered on the consular electoral list and that all the information is correct. If you are not registered, you cannot vote.

2. Take note of the election dates. The first round of the parliamentary elections will take place on Sunday 5 June. The second round will take place on Sunday 19 June.

3. If you would like to vote by proxy, information is available on the website of the Consulate of France in Sydney.

4. Take note of the four ways in which you can vote: In person, by proxy, by internet and by mail 

5. The voting bureau in Melbourne is at Auburn High School.

For all official information concerning the parliamentary elections,  please visit the French Consulate website n Sydney.