It is now possible to register online!
Why register in the Registre Consulaire?
- your relatives could be contacted in case of emergency
- you will receive useful consular informations from the French Consulate
- your administrative procedures will be easier and cheaper
- you will be able to vote for the next French national elections
How to proceed?
You need to access the website Service Public. On this website, you have to:
- Create your own “service-public” account [or log on if you already have an account]
That step will generate an email that you must open immediately to confirm your registration.
NOTE: it does not mean that you are registered on the Registry of French Nationals Living Abroad… It only means that you are registered on the “service-public” website. - You now need to go back to the website Service Public and follow the second step:
- Log in, and click on “S’inscrire pour la premiere fois“.
Then you just have to follow all the steps : you will have to provide a scan/pdf photo of your identity proof, an identity photo and a proof of place of residence.