European Elections May 2019

If you are a French citizen living in Australia and have not yet registered on the Registry of French Nationals Living Abroad, now is the time to do so!

As the European elections approach and will be held on the 26th of May 2019 in Australia, you might like to elect your representatives at the European Parliament: the eurodeputies.

This year marks the entry into force of the Single Electoral Register (Répertoire Électoral Unique), voters can request their inscription to or removal from the electoral list until Sunday the 31st of March 2019 (midnight local time).

To vote in Australia, you must

Once you have registered, you will be on the Australian electoral roll, headquartered in Sydney, and be able to vote at the nearest polling station including Melbourne. More details can be found here.

Even if you don’t intend to vote, here are more reasons why it matters for French Nationals to be registered at the French Consulate :

  • In case of emergency (loss/theft of documents, accident…), we will be able to assist you in a more efficient manner  and the overall process could be faster.
  • You have an easy access to a copy of your documents online (birth certificate, passport…)
  • It gives you financial advantages (reduced administrative fees, possibility of VAT refund…).
  • It simplifies your admin life (marriage, death, birth, national identity card or a passport, application for scholarships, obtaining a proof of residence…).
  • You stay informed: quarterly consular letter, presidential and European elections, reforms, etc…

For more information about the Single Electoral Register (Répertoire Électoral Unique), please click here.

For more information on the May 2019 European Elections, please click here.