The elected “conseillers consulaires” representing the French Nationals in Australia, Fiji and Papua New-Guinee will be on duty to hear your grievances on Thursday, February 19th from 2:30 until 4:30 pm atthe Honorary General consulate of France in Melbourne, 342A St Kilda Road, Melbourne (in front of the Shrine of Remembrance). In Victoria, your “Conseillère consulaire” is Mrs Danièle Kemp. She will be accompanied by the NSW “Conseiller consulaire”, Mr Sébastien Vallerie. Contact information Site internet: Twitter: @FrancaisenAus
On the other political side, Mr Jean-Philippe Grange, “conseiller à l’Assemblée des Français de l’étranger” and Mrs Marie-Claire Guilbaud, “conseillère consulaire”, are also at your disposal in the Consulate General of France in Sydney between 10 am and 1pm on February 26th and March 6th. By appointment : If you live far away, you’ll be provided with a skype number.