AFTV/Bastille Day French Video Competition Years 5-8- Entries Now Open !

The Association of French Teachers in Victoria (AFTV Inc) is now accepting entries for the French Video Competition  – open to school students from Years 5 to 8. The finalists will be awarded prizes  at the Bastille Day French Festival by the French Honorary Consul and AFTV President on 12 July 2019 at  Fed Square!

This newly created competition will give yound adloescents the opportunity to learn more about the cultural significance of the French Revolution and to have fun while speaking French.

Task: A 1-2 minute role-play, playing a character from the French Revolution . For details on the competition rules and criteria, please click here

Registration is through professional channels only, so please advise all the French teachers around you!

Closing date for entries: Friday 21 June [see website]