Category Archives: Current Posts

Exhibition of the French-born artist Mirka Mora at William Mora Galleries.

From August 2nd to August 5, it will be possible to (re) discover and enjoy Mirka Mora’s Work at William Mora Galleries. This exhibition will feature Mirka’s charcoals from 1958 to 1965. This French-born artist…

French Distinctions Delivered By The Ambassador

The Order of the Legion of Honour, created by Napoleon more than 200 years ago, is the highest distinction in the French Orders rewarding those who have greatly contributed to France’s influence. On Thursday 16 July, a…

Bastille Day at the Shrine of Remembrance

On 14 July, the “Association des Anciens Combattants” (French RSL), under the presidency of Mr Claude Midon, organised a ceremony to commemorate Bastille Day at the Shrine of Remembrance. The speeches…

D Day Commemoration Ceremony

On 6 June, under magnificent blue skies, the Normandy Veterans Association gathered at the Shrine of Remembrance to mark the 74th Anniversary of D.Day Landings In Normandy, France on 6th June…

“La Fête de la Musique” In Melbourne!

On Thursday 21 June from 5pm to 10pm  come and celebrate the fete la musique at the Alliance Française! Not only will you enjoy an evening of free music, but you will also savour mulled…

French Maths Awards at Melbourne French Bilingual Schools

On Thursday 24 May, Auburn High School hosted the students from Caulfield Junior College and Camberwell Primary School who had taken part in the International Kangourou Maths competition. The Kangourou…

2018 SUEZ Community Grants

Are you part of an Australian registered charity based in Australia or a community group that is committed to helping create a sustainable future ?  Good news, this program might be for you! The SUEZ…

A French Answer To Fussy Eating!

Is your children a fussy eater? Marie-France Laval, Dietitian-Nutritionist and director of  ”Fussy Eater”, has probably the solution for you! Being both a French and an Australian citizen, Marie-France knows eating…

Climate Diplomacy Week

HE Mr Christophe Penot, Ambassador of France to Australia, will be in Melbourne on 13 June at 2pm to deliver an  address on what is at stake at COP24 in…

Job Offer : Early Childhood Teacher!

Renown Kindergarten in South Yarra is seeking a dynamic, flexible and committed Early Childhood Teacher to replace a teacher on maternity leave 3 days a week (Monday, Thursday and Friday) for…

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