Category Archives: Current Posts

A debate not to be missed: Understanding Charlie, the implications for language, culture and globalization

After the recent killings in Paris and Copenhagen, the English language media had a hard time understanding, defining and explaining France’s attachment to the values underpinning the satirical magazine Charlie…

Diplomatic Breakfast for the Australian Grand Prix

On Friday, March 13th, the Consular Corps of Melbourne organised a Diplomatic Breakfast for the 2015 Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix. Guests attended an interesting presentation demonstrating how sporting events can…

A “garden of voices” with Les Arts Florissants

On Tuesday, March 10th, the French musical ensemble Les Arts Florissants  performed “Jardin à l’italienne”,  with soloists of the Jardin des Voix 2015 at the  Melbourne Recital Centre – a performance which highlighted the Baroque Italian style of…

Registration to the list of French nationals living abroad

  Why is it important for French Nationals to be registered at the French Consulate ? It allows you to get more efficient help in case of need (loss/theft of documents, accident…

Languages open-day at Glen Eira College

On Wednesday, 28th of April, from 9.15am, Glen Eira College will open its doors to the public to give the opportunity to learn about their innovative language programs, and do a…

March 19th : celebrate French Cuisine!

After UNESCO inscribed the “Gastronomic meal of the French” on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010, March 19th 2015 will see the worldwide celebration of the…

VSL, Victoria’s Language School, celebrated its VCE success !

On Tuesday, 2 March, the Victorian School of Languages (VSL) celebrated its top-scoring students in the 2014 VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) exams, that included 29 languages studied through VSL.  The audience of…

Danièle Kemp, new Consular Advisor and Delegate to the Assemblée des Français à l’Étranger

Today, approximately 2 millions of French are living abroad. The Assemblée des Français de l’Etranger (AFE) is one of their representative institutions, in charge of defending their rights and interests. The…

Once in a Lifetime : on the impact of Memory on the younger French generations

From March 12th to the 25th, as part of the Jewish International Film Festival, the Holocaust Film Series and Elsternwick Classics Cinemas will present thirty new movies and share the stories…

Preparing for life with baby

Give your child the best start in life ! Many parents prepare for the actual childbirth but not for the postnatal period, and yet this is the most challenging period…

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