Future retirees living in Australia can now benefit from the French Sécurité Sociale, based on the following conditions:
– they need to be 60 years old or more
– they must have contributed to the French Sécurité Sociale for at least one quarter (150 quarters are necessary to get the whole pension, otherwise it will be proportional to the number of quarters contributed)
Please keep in mind: if you are between 60 and 65 years old, the number of quarters necessary in order to benefit from the pension depends on your birth year. You have to have proof of 150 quarters worth of work if you were born before 1934, 151 if you were born in 1934, 152 if you were born in 1935 etc… and 160 if you were born in 1943 and after. It may therefore be better for you to wait until your 65th birthday to claim your French pension!
If you work for a company whose headquarters are based in France, your employer will pay your social security levies.
Numerous complementary superannuation schemes exist for various enterprises or professions. These are separate pension programmes to the French Sécurité Sociale. If you have contributed to a complementary superannuation scheme in France, you will need to contact them directly when you retire.
To find out more information about your French pension, we recommend that you consult the French Sécurité Sociale website: https://www.lassuranceretraite.fr/portail-info/accueil