As part of Chanukah celebration at the Parliament of Victoria, the Jewish community included a representative from the French community to show their support to the victims of the recent terror attacks in Paris. The Rabbis Riesenberg Y. and C. Herzog had invited Mrs Myriam Boisbouvier-Wylie, General Honorary Consul of France in Melbourne to speak to their congregation on the 7th of December evening.
Influential members of the Jewish community, parliamentarians, members of the multicultural committee were present to attend the speeches of The Hon David Southwick MP , Member for Caulfield, the Hon James Merlino, Deputy Leader Labour party and the Hon Inga Peulich , Shadow Minister Multi cultural affairs.
”All different but all the same, as we are united by the fundamental values given to us by our forebears, the values of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité…”
For more information on the event, please click here; you will be able discover the music by Chazzan Didi Levin and the Central Shul Choir.