Visit of French Minister of Foreign Affairs to Canberra and Melbourne

On Monday 4 December in Canberra, then on Tuesday 5 December in Melbourne , the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, Mrs. Catherine Colonna  came to reaffirm the strong ties that unite France and Australia, by signing a road map with her Australian counterpart, Australian Foreign Minister Senator Penny Wong.

This road map is structured around  three pillars (defense and security, resilience and climate action, education and culture) which strengthen the national and international interests of the two countries, with a particular emphasis on the South Pacific.

During her visit to Melbourne, Ms Colonna launched two new initiatives, FACET [Franco-Australian Center for Energy Transition] and FACEF [French-Australian Foundation for Cultural Exchanges].

The Energy Transition Centre, FACET, was launched at Swinburne University of Technology , in the presence of many French companies involved in the sector. These companies, along with CEA, the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission, a major French research organisation with strong roots in fundamental research, and Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), a leading European comprehensive university will join forces with their Australian scientific and research counterparts to foster applied research exchanges  

Federal Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon.Tim Watts, Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas and Swinburne University Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Pascale Quester officiated on stage alongside Ms Colonna. In her speech, Mrs Colonna emphasized that the new center would enable new networks which will strengthen the science and innovation ecosystem. “It will be a place to discuss the technologies and the policies our future demands of us. It will invest on training and further education, two key pillars of a successful energy transition. France has already committed 8 million Australian dollars over the next four years in this ambitious initiative, with several experts dedicated to the project.”


French Minister Catherine Colonna, Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas, Federal Minister Tim Watts


That same day, the Minister was also able to witness the signing of the Letter of Intent between Victoria and France signed by the Premier of Victoria, the Hon. Jacinta Allan and the French Ambassador to Australia, HE Mr. JP Thebault.




The day continued with a lunch at the NGV during which the French Minister for Foreign Affairs announced the creation of the French Australian Cultural Exchange Foundation [FACEF], followed by the decoration as Knight of Arts and Letters of Tony Ellwood, the director of the NGV.

Mr. Ellwood has fostered partnerships with French cultural institutions such as Le Louvre, Musée d’Orsay or Centre Pompidou and promoted Australians-exclusive and world premier French exhibitions, including Pierre Bonnard in 2023 or Gabrielle Channel, The House of Dior : Seventy years of Haute Couture in 2017 at the NGV.







We will return to FACEF in a future article.