Remembrance Day, 11 November 2023

On the 11th of November at 11:00 am, whether in France or in Australia, we all pause to remember the those who have died or suffered in all wars and peacekeeping operations.


Remembrance Day has taken a broader significance than to solely mark the Armistice and the end of the First World War. It gives us the opportunity to renew our appreciation of the faith, loyalty and sacrifice of the 45,000 Australian Diggers who died on the Western Front during World War One, along side the 2 million French Poilus who were killed or went missing.

For Australians and French people alike, this day is used for a number of commemorations. In Melbourne, the Shrine of Remembrance organizes various ceremonies including one for the French people to commemorate this day together. During the first commemoration Her Excellency Professor the Honorable Margaret Gardner AC, State Governor of Victoria reminded us that the deads of the men and women lost at war were not in vain and that Remembrance day is an opportunity to reflect on the human consequences of their sacrifice.

The State Governor of Victoria

The Consul laying a wreath during the general ceremony


Later in the day, a French ceremony was held inside to the Shrine of Remembrance, led by the French Anciens Combattants and their President Gilbert Charbonnier. Students from Camberwell Primary School were present in order to commemorate the armistice.

Ms. Boisbouvier-Wylie with some student of the Camberwell Primary School

During this commemoration, the Ms. Boisbouvier-Wylie, Honorary Consul General of France reminded the bonds created between France and Australia during the First World War never eroded and have now strengthen through cultural and economic relations. While honoring the memory of our lost soldiers, she reminded the new generations to use the lessons of History in order to promote cooperation and lasting peace.