The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has launched on Wednesday 2 November 2022, the 3rd edition of its Environmental Photography Award,
This annual contest rewards photographers who put their creativity to good use, raising awareness on the importance of environmental protection. Photographers from all around the world are invited to reflect on humanity’s relationship with nature, and the interrelation between human and planetary health.
Entries are open from 2 November to 15 January 2023 on the dedicated platform, Photocrowd.The contest is free to enter, and photographers can submit up to five photographs in each of the five categories of the competition:
- Polar Wonders
- Ocean Worlds
- Into the Forest
- Humanity versus Nature
- Change Makers: reasons for hope
The Grand Prize winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony in Monaco, receive 5,000€ grant and an invitation to visit the Amazon Research Station of the University of Ecuador. Moreover, every winner of the 5 categories will receive 1000€ each. As this contest is intended to be interactive, there will also be a Public Award and a Student Choice Award.