Celebrating the legacy of Albert Camus is no easy task! At once journalist, philosopher, poet, Camus’ work still challenges us with its richness and its capacity to question our representations of the society.
Dr. Valery Vinogradovs, however, has responded to this challenge by proposing a two-hour long public talks and performances led by Prof Matthew Sharpe and Prof Justin Clemens on April 10, Good Friday, 7pm-9pm at the Arena Project Space (2 Kerr St, Fitzroy).
Two slots will also be dedicated to the members of the Franco-Algerian community who would be interested. . Two short time slots are available for individuals who want to use this opportunity to commemorate Camus. Format is free: it could be a performance, or a critical engagement with his work and ideas.
For further information or any proposal, please contact Dr Valery Vinogradovs at this address : valery.arrows@gmail.com.